I want to break my default settings. I want out of the day-to-day life of boredom, routine, and petty frustration (with a nod to David Foster Wallace, linked above).
I know most people don’t think their desires are unreasonable. Except, when I say mine aloud, the people around me scoff. Audibly.
Some of my favorite nay-sayings:
· Just be glad you have a job.
· You may have to take what you can get.
· Well everyone wants that, but be realistic.
· If the opportunity presents itself, sure, but it’s unlikely.
· How will you make money that way?
· I just don’t see how it would work.
The last one is Cuk, my ROI-model-requiring husband. Show me the plan, give me the proof, explain exactly how it will work and also, what the back-up plan is.
Stick to what you know
Most of these voices come from a traditional economy. The traditional economy looks like this: eight-to-five work day, five days a week, office, cubicle, meetings, Outlook calendars, phone extensions, regular paychecks with direct deposit and 401k contributions.
I am grateful for having “survived.” I'm grateful for my employer having “survived,” under incredibly competent leadership, with only a small share of the overall casualties. I know my family was extremely lucky and continues to benefit from the benevolence of stable, profitable companies.
But it’s not 2009 anymore. And I'm moving to Clemson Road.